I know all of you have been checking back here over the past two months, wondering what happened to Kenny and BarBe Q. (See previous stories: click here.)I apologize for not updating you immediately when the decision was rendered.
BarBe will continue to be allowed to wear the bikini top that hasn't fit her since 7th grade. Kenny has made tens and hundreds of dollars off the people who have been enticed into his barbecue mega store by BarBe; surely he can afford to get her clothes that fit properly.
In the video, several people state that BarBe's attire is no more revealing than that of real women seen in Reading. I've been to Reading and I think they are stretching the truth more than BarBe is stretching that top. But I'm a fan of Kenny and BarBe and I'm glad they stuck it out. It perked up his sales, though I imagine as the novelty wears off and it gets old, sales will droop.
Tee Hee.
He handles her so tenderly...
as if she were a succulent pork shoulder.
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