Tuesday, November 30, 2010

WikiLeaks and the Playboys

Cables Depict U.S. Haggling to Find Takers for Detainees


Who wants to buy-uy-uy, these detainees?
Just take them off our hands and you get anything you please.
This detainee could bring time with our President,
Or this detainee could mean funds from the I M F;
Or we could send them to the Saudi Arabians
For rehabilitation

At Gitmo it’s closing time and voters made it clear
The pris’ners don’t have to go home, but they cannot stay here
These detainees could be dumped on the Yemenis
But then they would just return here as our enemies
And we don’t want it known that we provide a
Recruitment for Al Qaeda

Lyrics | Gary Lewis And The Playboys lyrics - This Diamond Ring lyrics

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