When we moved on from collected nursery rhyme record albums, my mother bought us these records that had like one contemporary novelty song (“Itsy-Bitsy, Teeny-Weenie, Yellow, Polka Dot Bikini”, “Alley Oop” or “Purple People Eater”) and a bunch of children's’ songs. We bought them at Ralph’s or Vons or some local grocery store.
My first contemporary pop record album was “The Beatles’ Second Album”. I wish I could remember what the next album I got was. I used to keep all my record albums in the order I acquired them – it was very important to me for some reason – and when I’m feeling stressed I have the urge to pull them all out and put them back in that arrangement.
We began getting Beatles albums 1963 or 4, which was when Susan and I started taking over the car radio. As pre-teen rebels we no longer consented to spend every car ride singing together from the Mitch Miller songbook. My parents had taught us drinking songs like “There’s a Tavern in the Town” and “She Wore a Yellow Ribbon”, so they was no concern over us being corrupted any further by godless rock and roll, and Mom caved. Besides, the Beatles were the gods of rock and roll then (“more popular than Jesus Christ”). We saw “Hard Days Night” three times in 2 days.

Through gifts or baby-sitting money I eventually acquired every Beatles album. And it was very important to me to have them in order – when I stopped keeping them by acquisition date, all my various LPs went alphabetically by group and within the group, by release date. I’m not sure if that’s OCD or anal-retentive but, either way, don’t touch my records, EVER! The fact that the U.S. Beatles album releases were totally screwed up, in that they didn't follow the progression of the original British products, was maddening. I had 6 years of therapy dealing with where “Something New” should be filed, because it wasn’t anything new; it was old singles and other songs Capitol had left off earlier albums.

Then, a couple weeks ago, for my birthday, my in-laws gave me the complete boxed set of remastered Beatles albums (on CD) – every one of The British releases – and all packaged in the order of release. This is awesome because, even though I have all the songs on my iPod, I now have the comfort of having these albums lined up properly. Neatly inside a box. In my house. Of course “Let it Be” is there, after “Abbey Road”, where it was released, instead of before, where it was produced, and that makes me slightly edgy. The thing that triggers the real angst, though, it the CD they put at the end of the set: rarities and singles that weren’t on albums.

I listen to the CDs in my car on the way home from work. So what should I do with that last CD? I feel like I should keep it handy and listen to each song off of it, in between the others, at the point where the single was released. Switching the CDs while driving could lead to an accident, but at least I’d obtain the serenity of having listened in an orderly fashion.
Maybe I should just put all the CDs in my car and drive direct to the hospital. They could put me in a nice room where I could listen to the CDs in every possible order so I would know that at least one time through I had it right.
I have no idea where you got that orderliness gene. Perhaps a response to the disorder in our lives?
It doesn't extend much beyond organizing my music or my books. Karen will attest to that. And I am looking at a very messy desk right now that I have to admit belongs to me.
Well your psychosis might be a little worse than mine, but you are definitely not alone:
(second item)
You know what they say: OCD loves company. OCD loves company. OCD loves company. (They always say it 3 times)
OCD is it's own reward, as long as you do it correctly. Which you must.
BTW, I got the Bonzo Dog Band's Cornology for Christmas, which has their entire output lined up in almost chronological order (pity bout those bonus tracks).
ha ha!!!!
>>all my various LPs went alphabetically by group and within the group, by release date.
I'm the same way. Well, I was till I got old and lazy.
First LP purchase: Carole King, Tapestry. I was a sensitive child.
Tapestry could have been my first album if I were as young as you. I played that one a lot. However, my affection for Carole King did not last these thirty some years and I haven't listened to it in a long time. I did enjoy Ms. King as Rosie the music store owner on Gilmore Girls.
I'd say I'm still a fan, if not as huge a fan as I used to be. I think she wrote a lot songs (with Gerry Goffin) that have aged as well as the Lennon/McCartney catalog.
In that category I would NOT put "He Hit Me (And It Felt Like a Kiss)."
That goes right up there with Lennon and McCartney's
"Well I'd rather see you dead, little girl
Than to be with another man
You better keep your head, little girl
Or I won't know where I am
You better run for your life if you can, little girl
Hide your head in the sand little girl
Catch you with another man
That's the end'a little girl"
That one always makes me cringe--and it's such a great album, too. (Of the remasters, I got Revolver, Rubber Soul, and Sgt. P.)
(Oh, and "Chains," from the Beatles' debut, is a cover of another vaguely creepy King/Goffin song.)
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